
HTML Source

created: "2015-12-27T15:42:55-08:00"
published: "2015-12-27T15:42:55-08:00"
type: entry
content-type: text/html
  name: This is a Blog Post
  - articles
  - primary

<p class="">This is a longer blog post with some paragraphs which was
written in Quill.</p><p class="">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus mollis fermentum. Donec aliquam
ac quam vel tincidunt. Phasellus dictum ex et leo mattis, sed semper urna
suscipit. Aliquam non congue odio. Proin neque eros, gravida suscipit interdum
ut, imperdiet ac neque. Donec tristique nisi velit, sit amet imperdiet velit
rutrum a. Duis et velit gravida, congue purus a, consequat justo. Aliquam erat
volutpat.<br></p><p class="">Quisque molestie dolor non
libero cursus lacinia. Vestibulum sapien nisl, sodales vitae ipsum placerat,
vulputate tincidunt mi. Fusce eget eleifend diam. Phasellus lacinia tortor
est, eu ornare augue consequat sit amet. In sed diam vitae dolor imperdiet
tincidunt et ut tellus.<br></p>

Markdown Source

created: "2015-08-23T20:52:24-07:00"
published: "2015-08-23T20:52:24-07:00"
  - "Designing an IndieWeb Reader Based on How I Read Social Media"
  - indieweb
  - p3k
  - monocle
  - reader
content-type: text/markdown

In the current world of silos dominating the social media space, people
typically have to visit half a dozen websites or apps to see all the latest
content from friends. At this point I'm sick of this "multiple inbox" model
that I want to find an alternative as fast as possible.

Currently I open my usual social media sites (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook,
in that order) and read the home timeline only as a last resort. Below is an
attempt to document the primary ways I find things online so that I can
consider how I want my [IndieWeb reader]( to
present content to me.

### Twitter keyword search
I have a persistent streaming search from running, looking for
specific keywords. These tweets get sent to various IRC channels I am in.
The keywords are usually words associated with specific projects.


Similar to [p3k](, I will be writing as much of Monocle as
separate libraries that can be re-used by other projects. To give you an
idea of what this looks like, here is the list of separate modules I've
written or contributed to that p3k uses.

* [php-mf2]( - a PHP Microformats 2 parser
* [php-mf2-twitter-shim]( - Converts a single tweet to a microformats h-entry
* [mention-client-php]( - A PHP client to send webmentions and pingbacks
* [Timezone-API]( - An API to find the timezone at a latitude and longitude
* [php-comments]( - Helper for parsing and presenting comments from external sites
* [link-rel-parser-php]( - Parse HTTP Link headers into a structured format
* [indieauth-client-php]( - Sample implementation and helper methods for an IndieAuth client
* [date-formatter-php]( - Render dates and date ranges in a human-readable format, including proper microformats-2 markup